Articles | Volume 20, issue 17
Research article
11 Sep 2020
Research article |  | 11 Sep 2020

Trends in eastern China agricultural fire emissions derived from a combination of geostationary (Himawari) and polar (VIIRS) orbiter fire radiative power products

Tianran Zhang, Mark C. de Jong, Martin J. Wooster, Weidong Xu, and Lili Wang

Data sets

Gridded daily Agricultural Burning Emission Inventory of Eastern China, 2012-2015, V0.0 T. Zhang, M. de Jong, M. Wooster, and W. Xu

Short summary
With strong public concern regarding air pollution problems in eastern China, where megacities like Beijing and Shanghai are located, smoke from agricultural fires burning during the post-harvest season has been blamed as one of the major causes. This research uses advanced satellite remote sensing data and methods to estimate the smoke emissions from agricultural fires in eastern China. Up to a 22 % contribution to PM2.5 was found during extreme cases.
Final-revised paper