Articles | Volume 19, issue 12
Research article
26 Jun 2019
Research article |  | 26 Jun 2019

Evaluation and comparison of multiangle implementation of the atmospheric correction algorithm, Dark Target, and Deep Blue aerosol products over China

Ning Liu, Bin Zou, Huihui Feng, Wei Wang, Yuqi Tang, and Yu Liang

Data sets

NASA Earthdata Search NASA

NASA goddard space flight NASA

Short summary
The systematic validation and comparison of MAIAC, DT, and DB AOD products across China from 2000 to 2017 is presented. In this process, the overall accuracy, land type dependence, view geometry dependence, spatiotemporal retrieval accuracy, spatial variation pattern, and spatiotemporal completeness of the three products are analyzed in detail. In general, MAIAC achieves higher accuracy than DT and DB, but DT and DB may perform better than MAIAC under some specific land cover types or seasons.
Final-revised paper