Articles | Volume 19, issue 7
Research article
05 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 05 Apr 2019

Intra-regional transport of black carbon between the south edge of the North China Plain and central China during winter haze episodes

Huang Zheng, Shaofei Kong, Fangqi Wu, Yi Cheng, Zhenzhen Niu, Shurui Zheng, Guowei Yang, Liquan Yao, Qin Yan, Jian Wu, Mingming Zheng, Nan Chen, Ke Xu, Yingying Yan, Dantong Liu, Delong Zhao, Tianliang Zhao, Yongqing Bai, Shuanglin Li, and Shihua Qi


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Short summary
This study simultaneously observed black carbon (BC) at five sites in central China and on the south edge of North China Plain, which have the most serious air pollution issues in China. The differences in BC properties between different air quality conditions and the property changes during transportation were studied. The main findings of this study were that during the downwind transportation of air, the BC mass concentration increased, whereas the absorption Ångström exponent decreased.
Final-revised paper