Articles | Volume 19, issue 5
Research article
15 Mar 2019
Research article |  | 15 Mar 2019

Polyols and glucose particulate species as tracers of primary biogenic organic aerosols at 28 French sites

Abdoulaye Samaké, Jean-Luc Jaffrezo, Olivier Favez, Samuël Weber, Véronique Jacob, Alexandre Albinet, Véronique Riffault, Esperanza Perdrix, Antoine Waked, Benjamin Golly, Dalia Salameh, Florie Chevrier, Diogo Miguel Oliveira, Nicolas Bonnaire, Jean-Luc Besombes, Jean M. F. Martins, Sébastien Conil, Géraldine Guillaud, Boualem Mesbah, Benoit Rocq, Pierre-Yves Robic, Agnès Hulin, Sébastien Le Meur, Maxence Descheemaecker, Eve Chretien, Nicolas Marchand, and Gaëlle Uzu


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Short summary
The contribution of primary biogenic organic aerosols to PM is barely documented. This work provides a broad overview of the spatiotemporal evolution of concentrations and contributions to OM of dominant primary sugar alcohols and saccharides for a large selection of environmental conditions in France (28 sites and more than 5 340 samples). These chemicals are ubiquitous, and are associated with coarse aerosols. Their concentrations display site-to-site and clear seasonal variations.
Final-revised paper