Articles | Volume 19, issue 17
Research article
05 Sep 2019
Research article |  | 05 Sep 2019

Exploiting multi-wavelength aerosol absorption coefficients in a multi-time resolution source apportionment study to retrieve source-dependent absorption parameters

Alice Corina Forello, Vera Bernardoni, Giulia Calzolai, Franco Lucarelli, Dario Massabò, Silvia Nava, Rosaria Erika Pileci, Paolo Prati, Sara Valentini, Gianluigi Valli, and Roberta Vecchi


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Short summary
A new approach coupling aerosol chemical and optical properties in one source apportionment study is proposed. Besides a more robust identification of sources, it was possible to retrieve a source-specific absorption Ångström exponent and a mass absorption cross section at different wavelengths as well as optical apportionment. This piece of information can be very useful for formulating strategies for pollutant abatement to improve air quality and to face climate challenges.
Final-revised paper