Articles | Volume 18, issue 13
Research article
05 Jul 2018
Research article |  | 05 Jul 2018

Disentangling the rates of carbonyl sulfide (COS) production and consumption and their dependency on soil properties across biomes and land use types

Aurore Kaisermann, Jérôme Ogée, Joana Sauze, Steven Wohl, Sam P. Jones, Ana Gutierrez, and Lisa Wingate

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Subject: Biosphere Interactions | Research Activity: Laboratory Studies | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Cited articles

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Billesbach, D. P., Berry, J. A., Seibt, U., Maseyk, K., Torn, M. S., Fischer, M. L., Abu-Naser, M., and Campbell, J. E.: Growing season eddy covariance measurements of carbonyl sulfide and CO2 fluxes: COS and CO2 relationships in Southern Great Plains winter wheat, Agr. Forest Meteorol., 184, 48–55,, 2014. 
Boyd, R. A., Gandin, A., and Cousins, A. B.: Temperature Responses of C4 Photosynthesis: Biochemical Analysis of Rubisco, Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase, and Carbonic Anhydrase in Setaria viridis, Plant Physiol., 169, 1850–1861,, 2015. 
Short summary
Soils simultaneously produce and consume the trace gas carbonyl sulfide (COS). To understand the role of these processes, we developed a method to estimate their contribution to the soil–atmosphere COS exchange. Exchange was principally driven by consumption, but the influence of production increased at higher temperatures, lower soil moisture contents and lower COS concentrations. Across the soils studied, we found a strong interaction between soil nitrogen and COS exchange.
Final-revised paper