Articles | Volume 18, issue 10
Research article
25 May 2018
Research article |  | 25 May 2018

Cloud condensation nuclei activity of CaCO3 particles with oleic acid and malonic acid coatings

Mingjin Wang, Tong Zhu, Defeng Zhao, Florian Rubach, Andreas Wahner, Astrid Kiendler-Scharr, and Thomas F. Mentel


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Short summary
Organic coatings modify hygroscopicity and CCN activation of mineral dust perticles. Small amounts of oleic acid coating (volume fraction (vf) ≤ 4.1 %) decreased the CCN activity of CaCO3 particles, while more oleic acid coating (vf ≥ 14.8 %) increased the CCN activity of CaCO3 particles, while malonic acid coating (vf = 0.4−42 %) even in smallest amounts increased the CCN activity of CaCO3 particles. Our laboratory results should also hold under conditions of the atmosphere.
Final-revised paper