Articles | Volume 18, issue 9
Research article
03 May 2018
Research article |  | 03 May 2018

Impacts of air pollutants from fire and non-fire emissions on the regional air quality in Southeast Asia

Hsiang-He Lee, Oussama Iraqui, Yefu Gu, Steve Hung-Lam Yim, Apisada Chulakadabba, Adam Yiu-Ming Tonks, Zhengyu Yang, and Chien Wang


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Short summary
Our study shows that across ASEAN 50 cities, these model results reveal that 39 % of observed low-visibility days can be explained by either fossil fuel burning or biomass burning emissions alone, a further 20 % by fossil fuel burning alone, a further 8 % by biomass burning alone, and a further 5 % by a combination of fossil fuel burning and biomass burning. The remaining 28 % of observed low-visibility days remains unexplained, likely due to emissions sources that have not been accounted for.
Final-revised paper