Articles | Volume 18, issue 18
Research article
21 Sep 2018
Research article |  | 21 Sep 2018

Composition and mixing state of atmospheric aerosols determined by electron microscopy: method development and application to aged Saharan dust deposition in the Caribbean boundary layer

Konrad Kandler, Kilian Schneiders, Martin Ebert, Markus Hartmann, Stephan Weinbruch, Maria Prass, and Christopher Pöhlker


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Short summary
Aging of transported Saharan dust in the Caribbean was observed by electron microscopy, yielding size, chemical composition and mixing state for each individual particle. Models were developed for assessing mixing relevant for the atmosphere. Particles become internally mixed with sulfate during transport and sea salt in the Caribbean boundary layer. The mixing increases deposition velocity and dust cloud activation, and thus may impact on radiative and cloud nucleating properties.
Final-revised paper