Articles | Volume 17, issue 10
Research article
23 May 2017
Research article |  | 23 May 2017

Evaporating brine from frost flowers with electron microscopy and implications for atmospheric chemistry and sea-salt aerosol formation

Xin Yang, Vilém Neděla, Jiří Runštuk, Gabriela Ondrušková, Ján Krausko, Ľubica Vetráková, and Dominik Heger


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Short summary
A unique environmental electron microscope was used for monitoring the evaporation of salty frost flowers. We observe a cohesive villous brine surface layer facilitating the formation of NaCl microcrystals at temperatures below −10°C as the brine oversaturation is achieved. This finding confirms the increased surface area and thus also the enhanced heterogeneous reactivity; however, no support for the easiness of fragmentation to produce aerosols can be provided.
Final-revised paper