Articles | Volume 17, issue 24
Research article
14 Dec 2017
Research article |  | 14 Dec 2017

Open burning of rice, corn and wheat straws: primary emissions, photochemical aging, and secondary organic aerosol formation

Zheng Fang, Wei Deng, Yanli Zhang, Xiang Ding, Mingjin Tang, Tengyu Liu, Qihou Hu, Ming Zhu, Zhaoyi Wang, Weiqiang Yang, Zhonghui Huang, Wei Song, Xinhui Bi, Jianmin Chen, Yele Sun, Christian George, and Xinming Wang


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Short summary
Primary emissions and aging of open straw burning plumes were characterized in ambient dilution conditions in a chamber. Rich in alkenes, the plumes have high O3 formation potential. The emissions of specific particulate and gaseous compounds were less when the straws were fully burned. Organic aerosol (OA) mass increased by a factor of 2–8 with 3–9 h photo-oxidation, yet > 70 % of the mass cannot be explained by the known precursors. OA gained more O- and N-containing compounds during aging.
Final-revised paper