Articles | Volume 16, issue 13
Research article
11 Jul 2016
Research article |  | 11 Jul 2016

Spectral analysis of atmospheric composition: application to surface ozone model–measurement comparisons

Dene R. Bowdalo, Mathew J. Evans, and Eric D. Sofen

Data sets

Gridded Global Surface Ozone Metrics data (1971–2015) for Atmospheric Chemistry Model Evaluation – version 2.4 M. J. Evans and E. D. Sofen

Short summary
We introduce a new methodology for the assessment of atmospheric models with observations. We apply a spectral analysis methodology to hourly ozone observations and the equivalent model output. The spectrally transformed observational data show significant peaks on daily and annual timescales. Comparison between the amplitude and phase of these peaks introduces a new comparison methodology between model and measurements. We find the model shows significant biases on an annual timescale.
Final-revised paper