Articles | Volume 16, issue 17
Research article
13 Sep 2016
Research article |  | 13 Sep 2016

A long-term study of aerosol–cloud interactions and their radiative effect at the Southern Great Plains using ground-based measurements

Elisa T. Sena, Allison McComiskey, and Graham Feingold

Data sets

Data Archive ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement)

Short summary
A new method for assessing aerosol effects on clouds is proposed. For the first time, 14 years of collocated, coincident ground-based observations have been used to study cloud–aerosol–meteorology–radiation interactions in the USA. For this site, the results indicate that the influence of the aerosol on cloud radiative effect and cloud albedo is weak, and that macroscopic cloud properties play a much larger role in determining the cloud radiative effect compared to aerosol effects.
Final-revised paper