Articles | Volume 15, issue 13
Research article
14 Jul 2015
Research article |  | 14 Jul 2015

Aircraft measurements of gravity waves in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere during the START08 field experiment

Fuqing Zhang, Junhong Wei, Meng Zhang, K. P. Bowman, L. L. Pan, E. Atlas, and S. C. Wofsy


Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Peer-review completion

AR: Author's response | RR: Referee report | ED: Editor decision
AR by Fuqing Zhang on behalf of the Authors (25 Apr 2015)  Manuscript 
ED: Reconsider after minor revisions (Editor review) (14 May 2015) by Timothy J. Dunkerton
AR by Fuqing Zhang on behalf of the Authors (27 May 2015)
ED: Publish as is (29 Jun 2015) by Timothy J. Dunkerton
AR by Fuqing Zhang on behalf of the Authors (30 Jun 2015)
Short summary
Based on spectral and wavelet analyses, along with a diagnosis of the polarization relations, this study analyzes in situ airborne measurements from the 2008 Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport (START08) experiment to characterize gravity waves in the extratropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (ExUTLS) region. The focus is on the second research flight (RF02), which was dedicated to probing gravity waves associated with strong upper-tropospheric jet-front systems.
Final-revised paper