Articles | Volume 7, issue 16
24 Aug 2007
 | 24 Aug 2007

Geophysical validation of temperature retrieved by the ESA processor from MIPAS/ENVISAT atmospheric limb-emission measurements

M. Ridolfi, U. Blum, B. Carli, V. Catoire, S. Ceccherini, H. Claude, C. De Clercq, K. H. Fricke, F. Friedl-Vallon, M. Iarlori, P. Keckhut, B. Kerridge, J.-C. Lambert, Y. J. Meijer, L. Mona, H. Oelhaf, G. Pappalardo, M. Pirre, V. Rizi, C. Robert, D. Swart, T. von Clarmann, A. Waterfall, and G. Wetzel


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