This is my first review of “Correction of temperature and relative humidity biases in ERA5 by bivariate quantile mapping: Implications for contrail classification” by Kevin Wolf et al. The authors present a thorough analysis of a correction of ERA5 relative humidity and temperature using a quantile mapping approach, with the aim to obtain an improved assessment of the contrail formation potential. The presented figures are nice and clear and thoroughly explained. Especially the illustration of the effect on the contrail formation potential based on the Schmidt-Appleman criterion is well-made.
After the preceding rounds of reviews the content of the paper is in good shape. However, I have a few comments that I hope can help the authors to improve their manuscript and, especially, to make it easier to access the relevance of the work.
1) I think you should better clarify the purpose of the work and add more information about the added value. In some places this information is simply missing (abstract, summary) and in others unprecise formulations caused confusion (introduction).
The first sentence of the abstract implies a different topic to be addressed. In combination with the word “prediction” in the title, I anticipated that forecast skill of T and RH is addressed (see also comments below), which is not the case. Only a few lines later the topic shifts to contrails. I recommend better introducing the key topic of this work. After that, partly redundant details are linked without a conclusion. So, I suggest better connecting these sentences and adding a precise conclusion about the added value of this work, which I believe is a more reliable identification of the contrail regions using postprocessed ERA5 T and TH fields.
The title “correction (…) in ERA5” may imply that ERA5 is improved within the model, which is not the case. It is rather a post processing with the aim to improve temperature and RHi to better analyse the potential of contrail formation. In addition, I struggle with the word “prediction” as no forecast data are used in this study. I would be careful when using "prediction" in the context of NWP. Hence, I would suggest changing the title to e.g. “Correction of ERA5 temperature and relative humidity biases (…) for contrail analysis and classification”.
In the introduction a clear introduction of the approach and goals are missing. Different approaches to investigate contrail formation/impact are listed and mixed with the explanation of the chosen approach. Especially after L62 the structure is not clear: Approach three on contrail modelling is followed by ERA5 and its biases. The fourth approach, which starts with campaign/IAGOS measurements, is abruptly followed by ERA5 correction attempts (L92 “Comparing and bias correcting”). I do not understand the causality to i, ii, and iii. Additionally, both approaches overlap somehow. The introduction contains all information, but should be better structured and more precisely formulated with a focus on your own work and open questions. For what is the correction actually needed?
In the summary section, I wonder about the added value of the presented corrected ERA5 data and the applied methods? Can the method be used to correct grid points away from IAGOS flight routes and to actual prediction data in order to support flight routing to avoid contrail formation? What is the added value to the IAGOS observations alone? Who could make use of such data? What are the ways forward?
2) I think that the ERA5 reanalysis and applied methods could be explained more clearly:
In the introduction (L62ff) the explanation of ERA5 is unprecise (e.g. “the prediction and reanalysis”). ERA5 is based on a particular version of the IFS that is kept constant over the time period from 1940. The constant version including the data assimilation system allows trends to be better accessed and separated from model changes. Make sure that the reader understands the difference between analyses, reanalysis and predictions (see also L94). I suggest in restricting the discussion to the terminology reanalysis. It is not clear how the accuracy of relative humidity and temperature can be compared (“less accurate”).
In L68ff, there is an abrupt transition from the simulations of contrail occurrence to “A frequent source of information (…)”. What does the latter mean and how are these parts connected? I think ERA5 has no dedicated information about contrails and that should be clarified. Avoid contrail representation and speak e.g. of ability to estimate the contrail formation.
In the discussion of model biases in ERA5 (LL72ff) absolute and relative humidity biases are mixed. Studies like Bland et al. or Krüger et al. and possibly a few others discuss absolute humidity biases. This cannot lead to a conclusion “no consensus” with studies looking at RHi in ISSRs. I think there is no knowledge about systematic absolute humidity errors in ISSRs. I find it also confusing that throughout the paper you simply talk about a dry bias (L98, L231). It should be made clear that and where you refer to RHi.
In the description of ERA5 (Sec 2.2), the “native vertical resolution” should be revised. Neither is the spacing between the pressure levels equal to the resolution nor is the pressure level data native data. In fact, I wonder why the authors did not use the full model level data. Related to that, I cannot follow the justification of the nearest neighbour sampling. RH is not a prognostic variable and I do not understand why T and q cannot be interpolated due to the C-C-Eq. I guess the same is done when interpolating model levels to pressure levels!? I miss a discussion about the treatment of the vertical sampling or interpolation. You talk about levels but sometimes rather mean layers. I guess that a vertical difference of up to 25 hPa, when the vertically nearest grid point is used, may relate to quite a difference in RH as it is known that these ISSRs are shallow and vertical gradients near the TP can be strong. May some of the differences between model and observations be related to that fact? Were sensitivity tests made for different sampling / interpolation strategies? There is no “current version of ERA5” instead ERA5 is, as you mention, using a constant model cycle for creating the reanalysis data set.
In the description of the quantile mapping (2.3) I do not understand the discussion in L265-268. What is the purpose of this? What do you mean with ERA5 is invariant? Do you mean potential biases? It would be good to have some more information about the training data set and the verification period. What is the strategy behind selecting these time periods? (Why) Is the training and verification period overlapping? What data period is shown throughout Section 3? Can the QM method only be used to correct at observed locations or also used at other model grid points? Sometimes you talk about “grid boxes” (e.g. Sec. 3.2) and I wonder if these are the nearest grid points?
I think I understand the purpose of analysing differences of cloudy and cloud-free condition in Sec. 3.2. However, the reader would profit from a few clarifications. Is it correct that you compare PDFs from completely different data sets? How does a comparison of data points look where ERA5 and IAGOS both have no cloud simulated/observed? To what extent are results influenced by situation of cloud simulated but not observed and vice versa? In addition, I wonder about the use of cloud-coverage? Wouldn’t ice water content be more straightforward to compare cloudy situations.
Minor comments:
L82: The sentence “It is noted (…)” should be revised. I guess you don’t want to say that the observations have a bias, right?
L229: Please revise “problematic for contrail and cirrus representation”. Contrails are not at all represented in ERA5. What is the problem for Cirrus?
L396 “revels” should be “reveals”?
L410 What means “smaller”?
L495: This sentence makes no sense.
L577-582: Be more specific about the identified RH biases, especially, whether it is a cold/warm or moist/dry bias. Avoid redundant information |