Articles | Volume 24, issue 17
Research article
05 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 05 Sep 2024

Understanding the trends in reflected solar radiation: a latitude- and month-based perspective

Ruixue Li, Bida Jian, Jiming Li, Deyu Wen, Lijie Zhang, Yang Wang, and Yuan Wang


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Short summary
Hemispheric or interannual averages of reflected solar radiation (RSR) can mask signals from seasonally active or region-specific mechanisms. We examine RSR characteristics from latitude and month perspectives, revealing decreased trends observed by CERES in both hemispheres driven by clear-sky atmospheric and cloud components at 30–50° N and cloud components at 0–50° S. AVHRR achieves symmetry criteria within uncertainty and is suitable for the long-term analysis of hemispheric RSR symmetry.
Final-revised paper