Articles | Volume 24, issue 16
Research article
22 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 22 Aug 2024

Relations between cyclones and ozone changes in the Arctic using data from satellite instruments and the MOSAiC ship campaign

Falco Monsees, Alexei Rozanov, John P. Burrows, Mark Weber, Annette Rinke, Ralf Jaiser, and Peter von der Gathen

Data sets

OMPS-LP ozone profiles retrieved at the University of Bremen - IUP C. Arosio and A. Rozanov

Ozone sonde profiles during MOSAiC Leg 1-2-3 P. von der Gathen and M. Maturilli

Ozone sonde profiles during MOSAiC Leg 4-5 P. von der Gathen and M. Maturilli

ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1940 to present H. Hersbach et al.

Short summary
Cyclones strongly influence weather predictability but still cannot be fully characterised in the Arctic because of the sparse coverage of meteorological measurements. A potential approach to compensate for this is the use of satellite measurements of ozone, because cyclones impact the tropopause and therefore also ozone. In this study we used this connection to investigate the correlation between ozone and the tropopause in the Arctic and to identify cyclones with satellite ozone observations.
Final-revised paper