Articles | Volume 24, issue 14
Research article
25 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 25 Jul 2024

Upper-atmosphere responses to the 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha′apai volcanic eruption via acoustic gravity waves and air–sea interaction

Qinzeng Li, Jiyao Xu, Aditya Riadi Gusman, Hanli Liu, Wei Yuan, Weijun Liu, Yajun Zhu, and Xiao Liu


Interactive discussion

Status: closed

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2023-2429', Anonymous Referee #1, 21 Nov 2023
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2023-2429', Anonymous Referee #2, 05 Jan 2024

Peer review completion

AR: Author's response | RR: Referee report | ED: Editor decision | EF: Editorial file upload
AR by QINZENG LI on behalf of the Authors (05 Mar 2024)  Author's response   Author's tracked changes   Manuscript 
ED: Referee Nomination & Report Request started (25 Mar 2024) by John Plane
RR by Anonymous Referee #2 (13 May 2024)
RR by Anonymous Referee #1 (13 May 2024)
ED: Publish subject to minor revisions (review by editor) (20 May 2024) by John Plane
AR by QINZENG LI on behalf of the Authors (30 May 2024)  Author's response   Author's tracked changes   Manuscript 
ED: Publish as is (31 May 2024) by John Plane
AR by QINZENG LI on behalf of the Authors (04 Jun 2024)  Manuscript 
Short summary
The 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH) volcanic eruption not only triggered broad-spectrum atmospheric waves but also generated unusual tsunamis which can generate atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs). Multiple strong atmospheric waves were observed in the far-field area of the 2022 HTHH volcano eruption in the upper atmosphere by a ground-based airglow imager network. AGWs caused by tsunamis can propagate to the mesopause region; there is a good match between atmospheric waves and tsunamis.
Final-revised paper