Articles | Volume 24, issue 12
Research article
24 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 24 Jun 2024

Simulations of primary and secondary ice production during an Arctic mixed-phase cloud case from the Ny-Ålesund Aerosol Cloud Experiment (NASCENT) campaign

Britta Schäfer, Robert Oscar David, Paraskevi Georgakaki, Julie Thérèse Pasquier, Georgia Sotiropoulou, and Trude Storelvmo

Data sets

High resolution radiosonde measurements from station Ny-Ålesund (2017-04 et seq) Marion Maturilli

Data from the NASCENT campaign used in the publications: "Conditions favorable for secondary ice production in Arctic mixed-phase clouds" and "Understanding the history of two complex ice crystal habits deduced from a holographic imager" Julie Thérèse Pasquier et al.

Short summary
Mixed-phase clouds, i.e., clouds consisting of ice and supercooled water, are very common in the Arctic. However, how these clouds form is often not correctly represented in standard weather models. We show that both ice crystal concentrations in the cloud and precipitation from the cloud can be improved in the model when aerosol concentrations are prescribed from observations and when more processes for ice multiplication, i.e., the production of new ice particles from existing ice, are added.
Final-revised paper