Articles | Volume 24, issue 11
Technical note
06 Jun 2024
Technical note |  | 06 Jun 2024

Technical note: Influence of different averaging metrics and temporal resolutions on the aerosol pH calculated by thermodynamic modeling

Haoqi Wang, Xiao Tian, Wanting Zhao, Jiacheng Li, Haoyu Yu, Yinchang Feng, and Shaojie Song

Data sets

shaojiesong/GC14.1.1_output_for_pH: First release Shaojie Song

Model code and software

geoschem/geoschem: GEOS-Chem 14.1.1 (Version 14.1.1) The International GEOS-Chem User Community

Short summary
pH is a key property of ambient aerosols, which affect many atmospheric processes. As aerosol pH is a non-conservative parameter, diverse averaging metrics and temporal resolutions may influence the pH values calculated by thermodynamic models. This technical note seeks to quantitatively evaluate the average pH using varied metrics and resolutions. The ultimate goal is to establish standardized reporting practices in future research endeavors.
Final-revised paper