Articles | Volume 24, issue 10
Technical note
24 May 2024
Technical note |  | 24 May 2024

Technical note: An assessment of the performance of statistical bias correction techniques for global chemistry–climate model surface ozone fields

Christoph Staehle, Harald E. Rieder, Arlene M. Fiore, and Jordan L. Schnell

Data sets

Gridded MDA8 surface ozone observations for the EU and US during 1993-2014 Christoph Staehle

Short summary
Chemistry–climate models show biases compared to surface ozone observations and thus require bias correction for impact studies and the assessment of air quality changes. We compare the performance of commonly used correction techniques for model outputs available via CMIP6. While all methods can reduce model biases, better results are obtained from more complex approaches. Thus, our study suggests broader use of these techniques in studies seeking to inform air quality management and policy.
Final-revised paper