Articles | Volume 24, issue 9
Research article
07 May 2024
Research article |  | 07 May 2024

Secondary ice production – no evidence of efficient rime-splintering mechanism

Johanna S. Seidel, Alexei A. Kiselev, Alice Keinert, Frank Stratmann, Thomas Leisner, and Susan Hartmann

Data sets

data sets supporting information about rime-splintering experiments Johanna Seidel and Susan Hartmann

Video supplement

videos of riming experiments Johanna Seidel and Susan Hartmann

Short summary
Clouds often contain several thousand times more ice crystals than aerosol particles catalyzing ice formation. This phenomenon, commonly known as ice multiplication, is often explained by secondary ice formation due to the collisions between falling ice particles and droplets. In this study, we mimic this riming process. Contrary to earlier experiments, we found no efficient ice multiplication, which fundamentally questions the importance of the rime-splintering mechanism.
Final-revised paper