Articles | Volume 24, issue 7
Research article
17 Apr 2024
Research article |  | 17 Apr 2024

The Antarctic stratospheric nitrogen hole: Southern Hemisphere and Antarctic springtime total nitrogen dioxide and total ozone variability as observed by Sentinel-5p TROPOMI

Adrianus de Laat, Jos van Geffen, Piet Stammes, Ronald van der A, Henk Eskes, and J. Pepijn Veefkind


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The requested paper has a corresponding corrigendum published. Please read the corrigendum first before downloading the article.

Short summary
Removal of stratospheric nitrogen oxides is crucial for the formation of the ozone hole. TROPOMI satellite measurements of nitrogen dioxide reveal the presence of a not dissimilar "nitrogen hole" that largely coincides with the ozone hole. Three very distinct regimes were identified: inside and outside the ozone hole and the transition zone in between. Our results introduce a valuable and innovative application highly relevant for Antarctic ozone hole and ozone layer recovery.
Final-revised paper