1. Original Submission
1.1. Recommendation
Major revision
2. Comments to Author:
Overall opinion: Most comments I raised in the first iteration were addressed. However, the language (especially) in the abstract must be improved. The current narration suffers from unclarity, vagueness and is sometimes terminologically puzzling not because the reported phenomena are complex, but because the language is confusing. Besides that, I am concerned that the authors did not understand my remark on how important to understand the behavior of surface-contained bin while using Aeolus data and simply stated it is out of their scope by explaining what previous studies on that topic did from their point of view. I explain below why this might be a major pitfall especially given the fact that the authors registered enhanced backscatter in the lowest layer, e.g. marine boundary layer with the highest chance to hit the surface return. Except that, the results are convincing enough and confidently pave the way toward acceptance.
2.1. Major comments:
1. Title. Overall, the title is good, but it is beneficial for you to speak not about correlation but about physical link or association between marine aerosol optical properties and wind fields. This link is revealed then by correlation as a tool, nothing else. But it’s up to you of course.
2. Abstract: From my point of view, it must be improved. It’s very “wordy” (‘Furthermore, thank to…” introductory structures are obviously unnecessary; the last sentence is just incomprehensible). It contains unclear terminology like “aerosol related atmospheric background states”. Sentences like the one below also convey very simple ideas are structurally barely unreadable (“The marine aerosol extinction/backscatter coefficients and the background wind speeds show positive relationships and they were fitted by power law functions, of which the corresponding 2 R are all higher than 0.9”). Make abstract concise, clear, quantitative and free of vague terms that even atmospheric scientists will not comprehend. The current setbacks are not acceptable for the abstract of high-impact factor study.
3. Language: Besides the remark on the abstract, the language suffers from unclarity and vagueness in some other parts of the manuscript. For instance, it is stated that “marine aerosol is mainly produced by wind” without mentioning sea/ocean surface. Grammatically, there is nothing wrong with this formulation, but technically, it’s a misleading remark. There are more cases like that in the text I highlight in minor comments. Please thoroughly check the style and logic of your text even if grammar is ok. Ask English speaking colleague or language check service to help if needed; you will save your time by this.
4. Methodology:
• “it should be emphasized that the lowest altitude bins of Aeolus Level 2A and Level 2B products could be contaminated by reflections from the land or ocean surface, and are thus not representative for the atmospheric wind speed and the aerosol optical properties (Wu et al., 2022).” This made me thinking about methodological pitfalls of your study. Can you give me please the definition of atmospheric bin that does not contain surface from your methodological point of view? Do you have any risk to include this unaccounted bin into your MABL? Because the lowest lidar bin of Aeolus does not necessarily contain surface, this setting is changing, your lowest lidar bin can in some cases be way above 0 meters for instance.
• My concern is confirmed by your answer on the comment by the way; you mention 0 km here (“Therefore, it is considered that the statistical results of the 0-1 km layers and the 1-2 km layers are capable to generally represent the atmospheric conditions within the MABL and above the MABL”).
• This further statement goes in conflict ( “in L Layer , the lowest Aeolus Level 2A products (particle optical properties) data bins with the altitude of lower than about 0.25 km, are absent to avoid the ground return signals’ contamination.”) with the statement above on the MABL range starting from 0 km. So you consider 0-1 km layers or 0.25 – 1.00 km layers, be precise with your methodological remarks.
5. Conclusions: I’ll go through conclusions here.
• Line 553 Iti s logical to say by using particle optical properties (Level 2A product -> in brackets), not the other way around because L2A is the Aeolus-specific term here. I already raised a concern that such terms are unknown for general readers.
• Line 555 “Then” is not needed here, there is no temporal order or sequence here.
• Lines 553 – 559. Boldly emphasize what is your research aim, it’s very vague now and blurred among all these activities that comprise your study.
• Line 569 Which statistical results, just name parameters or metrics directly
• Line 572 The fact that MABL can receive marine aerosol is trivial finding. Perhaps, Aeolus can detect it is a thing to report?
• Line 573 Once again, enhancement in the lowest MABL layer is suspected to be linked to inclusion of surface bin. Let me know why I am wrong here please.
• Line 575. Unsupported surmise about “might illustrate”, give facts or rationale behind please.
• Line 576… Why LRmar results are omitted from abstract? If they are not relevant, then there is no sense to put them into conclusions as well. Please harmonize conclusions and abstract by content.
• Line 589 What do you consider as “total consistency” from statistical point of view. I’m hinting here – give numbers and rely on them while making such statements.
• Line 590 Conditions cannot participate anywhere, please rephrase and check the language throughout the article.
• Line 594 – 595 Implication sentence is not giving any new insights. If more data are available, more information can be derived. This has been known and is clear without this study and should be therefore removed.
• I feel that the sentence which can explain what your study added to this research field is missing. Let me elaborate on what your study added to this research field from my point of view. See below quick speculation based on your results that you may or may not use as your implications if you’d like to.
i. Perhaps, you deepened our understanding of relationship between marine aerosol optical properties and wind in remote ocean areas using unique Aeolus observations given its truly unique setup and ability to deliver winds?
ii. What I also think is nice that you demonstrated that the relationship between aerosol optical properties and wind speed are MORE COMPLEX than we might have expected if you need so many more parameters to scrutinize it in different regions?
iii. Moreover, this is an important lesson for missions similar to Aeolus like Aeolus-2? Where a synergy of aerosol and wind observations gives unique and proven ability to quantify aerosol-wind speed interactions in poorly observed regions of ocean? You showed basically very useful application of Aeolus synergistic analysis
6. Previous comments from my side:
• Third, you discuss marine aerosol optical properties – near wind relationship from lidar perspective, but omitted a large corpus of works dedicated to this issue. I think you misunderstood my point on this initial comment here. You used a backscatter as a source of information about atmosphere using Aeolus over ocean, but the problem is that previous lidar studies have demonstrated that attenuated particle backscatter can be driven by the change of surface conditions of the ocean. And then, Aeolus has very coarse vertical resolution which means that the lowest bin contain surface. On top of that, you normally do not know where this surface bin is located because range gate of Aeolus setup was spatio-temporally changing. Most studies I mentioned are centered around one physical principle – atmospheric backscatter derived from lidar over ocean surface can be not affected, but is normally literally driven by the ocean surface conditions, not only atmospheric condition. You can learn a lot from this experience and be therefore more aware about these pitfalls. From statistical viewpoint, you may have been encountering adverse physical confounder in your analysis that you could not refute methodologically. You assumed in your answer that it’s not the scope of your interest, but this assumption does not refute the fact that lidar returns from Aeolus could be affected by this ocean surface-related phenomena, thus inflicting unknown bias in your results about atmosphere. Your abstract immediately makes this assumption about possibility to study wind-aerosol relationship over ocean without considering surface contamination and range gate variations (lines 22-23 about “different vertical layers”). The wind-ocean surface return aspect of this issue does not seem to be critical in the current iteration though because in the mean-time, Aeolus-related work about surface returns showed that there is no wind-backscattering sensitivity at the lowest bin of Aeolus for oceans (highly non nadir incidence, weakening the returns, 355 nm – transparent ocean surface for beam heading to nadir). For experts with similar concerns to mine, this works makes it easier you can just instead add some sentence like that for clarity in your methodology. “On one hand, it is known that for ocean applications, lidar attenuated backscatter can be affected by the processes at the surface of ocean, namely, stronger winds, weaker backscattering [Josset et al. 2008; https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2008GL033442]. On the other hand, the recent study on Aeolus surface returns [Labzovskii et al., 2023; https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-44525-5] indicated that Aeolus returns are unlikely sensitive to ocean surface dynamics (related to wind), which makes the analysis of AOD/marine boundary layer conditions/*any atmospheric phenomenon* free from adverse effects, stemming from ocean surface.” Rephrase it the way you want, though if you got my idea here.
• Comment about Hoaglin et al. 1986. Your said that this approach of eliminating outliers… that “is a widely used approach in data analysis, especially in the statistical analysis”. Most statistical approaches are tools to be used and they do not fit for every situation where we are having “big data” problem. You are working with physical observations. While exploratory data analysis can be a helpful approach in identifying outliers in certain types of data, it may not be suitable for physical observations where factors such as distribution, range, and scientific context need to be taken into consideration. Please give references of applications of this method to geophysical/atmospheric data or justify the choice.
• Same comment: You gave a very simple explanation like “Before the elimination, the outliers of extinction coefficients and
backscatter coefficients can catch up to 1000 1 Mm − and 30 1 1 Mm sr − − while generally the particulate extinction coefficients and backscatter coefficients are within 300 1 Mm− and 101 1 Mm sr − − ”. But if this explanation is true the simplest confidence interval approach/z-score, any more simple statistical way to find outliers, would work for this purpose, no?
2.2. Minor comments (p-ll, where P – page, LL – line).
• Line 1 Marine aerosol is produced by wind, but what about role of ocean in this production? I once again refer to this language-related vagueness in your descriptions here.
• Line 20 “Aeolus, the worldwide first ever wind detection lidar satellite”, it has sense to use more conventional terms for explaining what Aeolus is. See abstract here for good example (https://amt.copernicus.org/articles/14/6305/2021/)
• Line 25 Do you really provide a discussion or also analysis? Readers may think that you speculate on existing findings if you put it this way, but you did way more beyond discussion.
• Line 30 – 31 “The marine aerosol load at the lower layer (MABL) is stronger than at the higher layer.” Here I refer to the comment on the methodological choices. If by some chance you included surface bin into your assumed MABL bins by not tracking the actual surface bin/bins of Aeolus, your backscattering in this bin would be higher than in the bin above, but due to other reason – surface return backscatter (nothing to do with aerosol backscatter).
• Line 32 “The gradient change points of marine aerosol extinction/backscatter coefficients appear during the growth of them with wind speed, above which the growth rate becomes lower.” I try to understand it, but I don’t. Gradient change points? I already raised the concern about this term (Line 440 of original submission). This is very counterintuitive term. Think about that. Gradient change can happen temporally and spatially (both vertical and horizontal direction). And then “growth of them with wind” -> Very bad wording for English. Rephrase please, it’s completely unclear.
• Lines 33 – 34. It might illustrate that it is also a statistical coincidence without further statistical arguments. How to prove your claim here or at least support it?
• Line 35 “As derived data from Aeolus…”, this sentence has no grammar and stylistic sense in the present form. Please rephrase the entire conclusive remark as well.
• Lines 107 – 109. As mentioned above, Labzovskii et al., 2023; [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-44525-5] demonstrated that surface-containing Aeolus bin (where range bin has intersection with digital elevation model) manifest surface reflectivity over land with very high agreement with Lambertian equivalent reflectance from passive instrument. Note that you cannot speculate on the lowest bin because lowest bin can be subsurface in case of water if you do not track what is the lowest bin of Aeolus using either DEM data or Aeolus information on surface location (vertically).
• Line 113 “As mentioned above, Aeolus can provide global high spatial and temporal resolution aerosol optical properties profiles and wind speed profiles despite the lack of the lowest bins close to the ground”. What is the lack of the lowest bins close to the ground? How do you judge abundance and lack of the bins quantitatively?
• Line 121 How did you quantify where is ocean surface? You make references to MABL, but it is unclear. The same applies to the orange block of Figure 2.
• Line 201 Not only contaminated, but also totally attenuated if your clouds are above studied aerosol layer, right? |