Articles | Volume 24, issue 7
Research article
15 Apr 2024
Research article |  | 15 Apr 2024

Analysis of an intense O3 pollution episode on the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula using photochemical modeling: characterization of transport pathways and accumulation processes

Eduardo Torre-Pascual, Gotzon Gangoiti, Ana Rodríguez-García, Estibaliz Sáez de Cámara, Joana Ferreira, Carla Gama, María Carmen Gómez, Iñaki Zuazo, Jose Antonio García, and Maite de Blas

Data sets

Simulations of tropospheric O3 in the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula Eduardo Torre-Pascual

Short summary
We present an analysis of an intense air pollution episode of tropospheric ozone (O3) along the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, incorporating both measured and simulated parameters. Our study extends beyond surface-level factors to include altitude-related parameters. These episodes stem from upper-atmosphere O3 accumulation in preceding days, transported to surface layers, causing rapid O3 concentration increase.
Final-revised paper