Articles | Volume 24, issue 2
Research article
31 Jan 2024
Research article |  | 31 Jan 2024

On the relationship between mesoscale cellular convection and meteorological forcing: comparing the Southern Ocean against the North Pacific

Francisco Lang, Steven T. Siems, Yi Huang, Tahereh Alinejadtabrizi, and Luis Ackermann

Data sets

JAXA Himawari Monitor P-Tree System Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Model code and software

ackermannluis/MCC_Him8_CNN: Mesoscale Cellular Convection from Himawari-8 (V1.0) Luis Ackermann

Short summary
Marine low-level clouds play a crucial role in the Earth's energy balance, trapping heat from the surface and reflecting sunlight back into space. These clouds are distinguishable by their large-scale spatial structures, primarily characterized as hexagonal patterns with either filled (closed) or empty (open) cells. Utilizing satellite observations, these two cloud type patterns have been categorized over the Southern Ocean and North Pacific Ocean through a pattern recognition program.
Final-revised paper