Articles | Volume 24, issue 23
Research article
09 Dec 2024
Research article |  | 09 Dec 2024

Numerical simulation of aerosol concentration effects on cloud droplet size spectrum evolutions of warm stratiform clouds in Jiangxi, China

Yi Li, Xiaoli Liu, and Hengjia Cai

Data sets

Satellite, Aerosol, and Numerical Simulation Dataset in Jiangxi, China Yi Li, Xiaoli Liu, and Hengjia Cai

ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels from 1940 to present Copernicus

Short summary
The influence of different aerosol modes on cloud processes remains controversial. We modified the aerosol spectra and concentrations to simulate a warm stratiform cloud process in Jiangxi, China, using the WRF-SBM scheme. Research shows that different aerosol spectra have diverse effects on cloud droplet spectra, cloud development, and the correlation between dispersion (ε) and cloud physics quantities. Compared to cloud droplet concentration, ε is more sensitive to the volume radius.
Final-revised paper