Articles | Volume 24, issue 19
Research article
02 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 02 Oct 2024

Atmospheric evolution of environmentally persistent free radicals in the rural North China Plain: effects on water solubility and PM2.5 oxidative potential

Xu Yang, Fobang Liu, Shuqi Yang, Yuling Yang, Yanan Wang, Jingjing Li, Mingyu Zhao, Zhao Wang, Kai Wang, Chi He, and Haijie Tong


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Short summary
A study in the rural North China Plain showed environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs) in atmospheric particulate matter (PM), with a notable water-soluble fraction likely from atmospheric oxidation during transport. Significant positive correlations between EPFRs and the water-soluble oxidative potential of PM2.5 were found, primarily attributable to the water-soluble fractions of EPFRs. These findings emphasize understanding EPFRs' atmospheric evolution for climate and health impacts.
Final-revised paper