Articles | Volume 24, issue 18
Measurement report
23 Sep 2024
Measurement report |  | 23 Sep 2024

Measurement report: Occurrence of aminiums in PM2.5 during winter in China – aminium outbreak during polluted episodes and potential constraints

Yu Xu, Tang Liu, Yi-Jia Ma, Qi-Bin Sun, Hong-Wei Xiao, Hao Xiao, Hua-Yun Xiao, and Cong-Qiang Liu


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Short summary
This study investigates the characteristics of aminiums and ammonium in PM2.5 on clean and polluted winter days in 11 Chinese cities, highlighting the possibility of the competitive uptake of ammonia versus amines on acidic aerosols or the displacement of aminiums by ammonia under high-ammonia conditions. The overall results deepen the understanding of the spatiotemporal differences in aminium characteristics and formation in China.
Final-revised paper