Articles | Volume 24, issue 18
Research article
19 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 19 Sep 2024

Simulated contrail-processed aviation soot aerosols are poor ice-nucleating particles at cirrus temperatures

Baptiste Testa, Lukas Durdina, Jacinta Edebeli, Curdin Spirig, and Zamin A. Kanji

Data sets

Contrail processed aviation soot aerosol are poor ice nucleating particles at cirrus temperatures Baptiste Testa et al.

Model code and software

Software code for: Contrail processed aviation soot aerosol are poor ice nucleating particles at cirrus temperatures B. Testa et al.

Short summary
Aviation soot residuals released from contrails can become compacted upon sublimation of the ice crystals, generating new voids in the aggregates where ice nucleation can occur. Here we show that contrail-processed soot is highly compact but that it remains unable to form ice at a relative humidity different from that required for the formation of background cirrus from the more ubiquitous aqueous solution droplets, suggesting that it will not perturb cirrus cloud formation via ice nucleation.
Final-revised paper