Articles | Volume 24, issue 18
Research article
18 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 18 Sep 2024

Distinctive aerosol–cloud–precipitation interactions in marine boundary layer clouds from the ACE-ENA and SOCRATES aircraft field campaigns

Xiaojian Zheng, Xiquan Dong, Baike Xi, Timothy Logan, and Yuan Wang

Data sets

Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic: Campaign Datasets, Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility ACE-ENA

Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study Campaign Dataset SOCRATES

Short summary
The marine boundary layer aerosol–cloud interactions (ACIs) are examined using in situ measurements from two aircraft campaigns over the eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA) and Southern Ocean (SOCRATES). The SOCRATES clouds have more and smaller cloud droplets. The ACE-ENA clouds exhibit stronger drizzle formation and growth. Results found distinctive aerosol–cloud interactions for two campaigns. The drizzle processes significantly alter sub-cloud aerosol budgets and impact the ACI assessments.
Final-revised paper