Articles | Volume 23, issue 13
Technical note
10 Jul 2023
Technical note |  | 10 Jul 2023

Technical note: Isolating methane emissions from animal feeding operations in an interfering location

Megan E. McCabe, Ilana B. Pollack, Emily V. Fischer, Kathryn M. Steinmann, and Dana R. Caulton

Data sets

Ammonia phase PARtitioning and Transport-lite Dana Caulton

TRANS2AM Data Sets Jeff French, Ilana Pollack, Dana Caulton, Amy Sullivan, and NCAR/EOL

Short summary
Agriculture emissions, including those from beef and dairy cattle feeding operations, make up a large portion of the United States’ total greenhouse gas emissions, but many of these operations reside in areas where methane from oil and natural gas is prevalent, making it difficult to attribute methane in these areas. This work investigates two approaches to emission attribution for cattle feeding operations and provides guidance for emission attribution in other complicated regions.
Final-revised paper