Thank you for addressing my comments in the revision, which has clarified many of my concerns. However, there are still some questions, which I think need to be addressed in more details.
(In the following, author's respones are marked by ">> <<" and my comments start with "Comments:".)
>> (2) For all 50 cases, the difference between the background calculated by the 99 percentile and the background calculated by the 60 percentile ranges from 0.23 to 0.77 ppm. The standard deviation of the background calculated for the 9 percentile bins for each case ranges from 0.08 to 0.26 ppm. […]
In response to the sensitivity regarding the background information mentioned above, we have made changes to the manuscript in L280-286: “In this study, the background for the cross-sectional flux method is determined by fitting of Eq. (3), while the background for the Gaussian plume model method (GPM) is determined by the 90th percentile. The difference in background obtained by these two methods is very small (Fig. S11a), with a maximum difference of 0.86 ppm and a minimum of 0.004 ppm (Fig. S11b). Under the two background calculation methods, the GPM method has good consistency in the estimation results driven by three wind field (Fig. S11c-e). With the background computing by Eq. (3), the conclusion that estimated emissions have better accuracy using the WPBL is still valid (Fig. S12).” <<
Comment: Thank you for addressing this comment and for the additional analysis. A bias in the XCO2 background ranging from 0.23 to 0.77 ppm using different percentiles is quite large given that a 0.5 ppm bias in the background translates to about 10% bias in the estimated emissions for a XCO2 enhancement of 5 ppm. I would therefore not use the term "very small" to describe the result.
Furthermore, you picked the 90th percentile for your study. Can you provide an argument for this specific value?
>> (3) In this study, we compared the effective wind computed from ERA5 and MERRA2 10 m wind speed with the wind at half the height of the PBL. […] Here, ERA-5 and operational forecast of ECMWF are very similar and assumed to perform in the same way. We didn’t use the MERRA2 wind at half the height of PBL because of its lower resolution. <<
Comment: Thank you for addressing my comment. I agree that using half the height of the PBL should give good estimates of the effective wind speed, because it provides you a reasonable estimate of the mean wind speed within the PBL, where the CO2 plume should be well mixed during OCO-2 overpass in the early afternoon (see also Brunner et al. 2023,
However, I think you miss my main issue with your comparison. You compare three model products in your study: (1) ERA-5, (2) MERRA-2 and (3) ECMWF forecast. In addition, you compare two methods for computing the effective wind: (A) 1.4x 10-m winds and (B) winds at half the PBL height. As a reader, I like to know which model and method is most suitable for estimating power plant emissions. However, it is not possible to get this information from your analysis, because you only compare three options: 1A, 2A and 3B. I don't think it is enough to assume that ERA-5 and ECMWF forecast are similar. I would actually assume that ERA-5 performs better than ECMWF, because a reanalysis should be better than an operational forecast. I therefore think it is necessary to compare the three products using the winds at half the PBL height to obtain an objective result.
I am not convinced that the 1.4-factor is a general value that can be applied for computing the effective wind speed for OCO-2 CO2 observations of power plants. In fact, Reuter et al. (2019) only used this factor "for convenience", while Hakkarainen et al. (2021) derives a scaling factor based on the surface pressure at the Matimba power plant, which (coincidently) was consistent with Varon et al. (2018). Varon et al. (2018) derive their factor specifically for CH4 plume observations with GHGsat instrument (50 m resolution, 1-5% instrument precision). The factor is directly linked to the detection limit and pixel size of GHGsat, because they only integrate over the detectable width of the plume. It is therefore not possible to generalize their results to OCO-2 CO2 observations with lower spatial resolution (2 km) and different detection limit. Anyway, I don't think it is necessary to have a detailed discussions on this topic, because you already conclude that using the 1.4-factor results in worse performance than using the half-PBL value.
>> (4) L316-317: “The total uncertainty is comparable to the uncertainty of power plant emissions in previous studies, which ranged from 3.42 to 19.2 (Nassar et al., 2017; 2022)” <<
Comment: Please add units.
>> (4) “The uncertainty of wind speed is between 0.08 and 1.4 m s-1, and the uncertainty of background varies between 0.03 and 0.1 ppm (Table S1).” <<
Comment: The uncertainty in the background stated here is much smaller than the range from 0.23 to 0.77 ppm. What is the reason for the differences?
>> (5) The parameter A is one of the parameters to be fitted and not the line density. <<
Comment: This is wrong. The fitting parameter "A" in your Eq. 3 is already the line density (in ppm/m), i.e. the area under the Gaussian curve.
If I understand your approach correctly, you first fit Eq. (3) and then use the fitting parameters (k and b) to compute the XCO2 enhancement by subtracting the background. You then use Eq. (S2) to compute the line density from the XCO2 enhancement, which you convert to g/m using Eq. (2)? If this is correct, I wonder if you approach has any advantage and how your line density actually differs from using the fitting parameter "A" directly.
>> (9) We have added why WPBL provides better results in the revised manuscript L267-272: “[…]. The reason why the results using MERRA2 were worse (Fig. S4) is due to its low resolution, which cannot provide precise wind information for emission sources.” <<
Comment: I think it would be important to add a reference to this statement.
>> (16) We added explanations in the revised manuscript L378-382: “We found that the cross-sectional flux method has a larger variability than the GPM method. […] multiplied by the component of wind perpendicular to the orbit […]. <<
Comment: The explanation is still unclear to me. Do you mean that the limitation of the CFM is that you fit a symmetric Gaussian curve, but for a large angle between orbit and wind direction, the correct function would be an asymmetric Gaussian curve, which results in an additional source of uncertainty? |