Articles | Volume 23, issue 11
Technical note
09 Jun 2023
Technical note |  | 09 Jun 2023

Technical note: Constraining the hydroxyl (OH) radical in the tropics with satellite observations of its drivers – first steps toward assessing the feasibility of a global observation strategy

Daniel C. Anderson, Bryan N. Duncan, Julie M. Nicely, Junhua Liu, Sarah A. Strode, and Melanie B. Follette-Cook

Data sets

AIRS/Aqua L3 Daily Standard Physical Retrieval (AIRS-only) 1 degree x 1 degree V006 AIRS Science Team and J. Teixeira

OMI/Aura TOMS-Like Ozone and Radiative Cloud Fraction L3 1 day 0.25 degree x 0.25 degree V3 P. K. Bhartia

OMI/Aura Formaldehyde (HCHO) Total Column Daily L3 Weighted Mean Global 0.1deg Lat/Lon Grid V003 K. Chance

TROPOMI Level 2 Carbon Monoxide total column products Copernicus Sentinel-5P

TROPOMI Level 2 Formaldehyde Total Column products Copernicus Sentinel-5P

TROPOMI Level 2 Nitrogen Dioxide total column products Copernicus Sentinel-5P

GHRSST Level 4 MUR 0.25 deg Global Foundation Sea Surface Temperature Analysis JPL MUR MEaSUREs Project

OMI/Aura NO2 Cloud-Screened Total and Tropospheric Column L3 Global Gridded 0.25 degree x 0.25 degree V3 N. A. Krotkov, L. N. Lamsal, S. V. Marchenko, E. A. Celarier, E. J. Bucsela, W. H. Swartz, J. Joiner, and the OMI core team

TROPOMI/S5P NO2 Tropospheric, Stratospheric and Total Columns MINDS 1-Orbit L2 Swath 5.5 km x 3.5 km L. N. Lamsal, N. A. Krotkov, S. V. Marchenko, J. Joiner, L. Oman, A. Vasilkov, B. Fisher, W. Qin, E.-S. Yang, Z. Fasnacht, S. Choi, P. Leonard, and D. Haffner

MERRA2 GMI NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

MOPITT CO gridded monthly means (Near and Thermal Infrared Radiances) V008 NASA LARC

MODIS Atmosphere L3 Monthly Product. NASA MODIS Adaptive Processing System S. Platnick

ATom: Merged Atmospheric Chemistry, Trace Gases, and Aerosols S. C. Wofsy, S. Afshar, H. M. Allen, E. C. Apel, E. C. Asher, B. Barletta, J. Bent, H. Bian, B. C. Biggs, D. R. Blake, N. Blake, I. Bourgeois, C. A. Brock, W. H. Brune, J. W. Budney, T. P. Bui, A. Butler, P. Campuzano-Jost, C. S. Chang, M. Chin, R. Commane, G. Correa, J. D. Crounse, P. D. Cullis, B. C. Daube, D. A. Day, J. M. Dean-Day, J. E. Dibb, J. P. DiGangi, G. S. Diskin, M. Dollner, J. W. Elkins, F. Erdesz, A. M. Fiore, C. M. Flynn, K. D. Froyd, D. W. Gesler, S. R. Hall, T. F. Hanisco, R. A. Hannun, A. J. Hills, E. J. Hintsa, A. Hoffman, R. S. Hornbrook, L. G. Huey, S. Hughes, J. L. Jimenez, B. J. Johnson, J. M. Katich, R. F. Keeling, M. J. Kim, A. Kupc, L. R. Lait, K. McKain, R. J. Mclaughlin, S. Meinardi, D. O. Miller, S. A. Montzka, F. L. Moore, E. J. Morgan, D. M. Murphy, L. T. Murray, B. A. Nault, J. A. Neuman, P. A. Newman, J. M. Nicely, X. Pan, W. Paplawsky, J. Peischl, M. J. Prather, D. J. Price, E. A. Ray, J. M. Reeves, M. Richardson, A. W. Rollins, K. H. Rosenlof, T. B. Ryerson, E. Scheuer, G. P. Schill, J. C. Schroder, J. P. Schwarz, J. M. St. Clair, S. D. Steenrod, B. B. Stephens, S. A. Strode, C. Sweeney, D. Tanner, A. P. Teng, A. B. Thames, C. R. Thompson, K. Ullmann, P. R. Veres, N. L. Wagner, A. Watt, R. Weber, B. B. Weinzierl, P. O. Wennberg, C. J. Williamson, J. C. Wilson, G. M. Wolfe, C. T. Woods, L. H. Zeng, and N. Vieznor

Short summary
We describe a methodology that combines machine learning, satellite observations, and 3D chemical model output to infer the abundance of the hydroxyl radical (OH), a chemical that removes many trace gases from the atmosphere. The methodology successfully captures the variability of observed OH, although further observations are needed to evaluate absolute accuracy. Current satellite observations are of sufficient quality to infer OH, but retrieval validation in the remote tropics is needed.
Final-revised paper