Articles | Volume 23, issue 11
Research article
06 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 06 Jun 2023

Quantification of oil and gas methane emissions in the Delaware and Marcellus basins using a network of continuous tower-based measurements

Zachary Barkley, Kenneth Davis, Natasha Miles, Scott Richardson, Aijun Deng, Benjamin Hmiel, David Lyon, and Thomas Lauvaux

Data sets

In-situ tower atmospheric methane mole fraction and isotopic ratio of methane data N. L. Miles, D. K. Martins, S. J. Richardson, T. Lauvaux, K. J. Davis, B. J. Haupt, and C. Rella

Permian Basin: in-situ tower greenhouse gas data V. Monteiro, N. L. Miles, S. J. Richardson, Z. Barkley, B. J. Haupt, and K. J. Davis

Short summary
Using methane monitoring instruments attached to towers, we measure methane concentrations and quantify methane emissions coming from the Marcellus and Permian oil and gas basins. In the Marcellus, emissions were 3 times higher than the state inventory across the entire monitoring period. In the Permian, we see a sharp decline in emissions aligning with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Tower observational networks can be utilized in other basins for long-term monitoring of emissions.
Final-revised paper