Articles | Volume 23, issue 10
Research article
26 May 2023
Research article |  | 26 May 2023

Changes in global teleconnection patterns under global warming and stratospheric aerosol intervention scenarios

Abolfazl Rezaei, Khalil Karami, Simone Tilmes, and John C. Moore


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Short summary
Teleconnection patterns are important characteristics of the climate system; well-known examples include the El Niño and La Niña events driven from the tropical Pacific. We examined how spatiotemporal patterns that arise in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans behave under stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and greenhouse gas (GHG)-induced warming. In general, geoengineering reverses trends; however, the changes in decadal oscillation for the AMO, NAO, and PDO imposed by GHG are not suppressed.
Final-revised paper