Articles | Volume 23, issue 8
Measurement report
20 Apr 2023
Measurement report |  | 20 Apr 2023

Measurement report: Summertime fluorescence characteristics of atmospheric water-soluble organic carbon in the marine boundary layer of the western Arctic Ocean

Jinyoung Jung, Yuzo Miyazaki, Jin Hur, Yun Kyung Lee, Mi Hae Jeon, Youngju Lee, Kyoung-Ho Cho, Hyun Young Chung, Kitae Kim, Jung-Ok Choi, Catherine Lalande, Joo-Hong Kim, Taejin Choi, Young Jun Yoon, Eun Jin Yang, and Sung-Ho Kang

Data sets

ARA07B cruise Arctic aerosol data Jinyoung Jung

Short summary
This study examined the summertime fluorescence properties of water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) in aerosols over the western Arctic Ocean. We found that the WSOC in fine-mode aerosols in coastal areas showed a higher polycondensation degree and aromaticity than in sea-ice-covered areas. The fluorescence properties of atmospheric WSOC in the summertime marine Arctic boundary can improve our understanding of the WSOC chemical and biological linkages at the ocean–sea-ice–atmosphere interface.
Final-revised paper