Articles | Volume 23, issue 6
Research article
20 Mar 2023
Research article |  | 20 Mar 2023

Estimating enhancement ratios of nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide using satellite observations

Cameron G. MacDonald, Jon-Paul Mastrogiacomo, Joshua L. Laughner, Jacob K. Hedelius, Ray Nassar, and Debra Wunch

Data sets

OCO-2 Level 2 bias-corrected XCO2 and other select fields from the full-physics retrieval aggregated as daily files, Retrospective processing V9r OCO-2 Science Team, M. Gunson, and A. Eldering

OCO-3 Level 2 bias-corrected XCO2 and other select fields from the full-physics retrieval aggregated as daily files, Retrospective processing v10.4r OCO-2/OCO-3 Science Team, A. Chatterjee, and V. Payne

Description of the GHS Urban Centre Database 2015 European Commission, Joint Research Centre, C. Corbane, S. Freire, M. Maffenini, et al.

ODIAC Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions Dataset, Center for Global Environmental Research T. Oda and S. Maksyutov

Sentinel-5P TROPOMI Carbon Monoxide CO Column 1-Orbit L2 7km×7km ( ESA, Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)/Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON)

Sentinel-5P TROPOMI Carbon Monoxide CO Column 1-Orbit 20 L2 5.5km×7km ( ESA, Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)/Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON)

Sentinel-5P TROPOMI Tropospheric NO2 1-Orbit L2 7km×3.5km ( ESA and Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)

Sentinel-5P TROPOMI Tropospheric NO2 1-Orbit L2 5.5km×3.5km ( ESA and Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)

MACCity (MACC/CityZEN EU projects) emissions dataset A. d'Angiola, A. Mieville, A. Heil, and J.-F. Lamarque

inst3_3d_asm_Cp: MERRA-2 3D IAU State, Meteorology Instantaneous 3-hourly (p-coord, 0.625x0.5L42), version 5.12.4 Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)

Hestia Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Emissions Inventory for Urban Regions K. R. Gurney, J. Liang, Z. Yuyu, B. Bedrich, and R. Patarasuk

A multiyear, global gridded fossil fuel CO2 emission data product: Evaluation and analysis of results ( S. Asefi-Najafabady, P. Rayner, K. Gurney, A. McRobert, Y. Song, K. Coltin, J. Huang, C. Elvidge, and K. Baugh

Improving the temporal and spatial distribution of CO2 emissions from global fossil fuel emission data sets ( R. Nassar, L. Napier-Linton, K. R. Gurney, R. J. Andres, T. Oda, F. R. Vogel, and F. Deng

Short summary
We use three satellites measuring carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to calculate atmospheric enhancements of these gases from 27 urban areas. We calculate enhancement ratios between the species and compare those to ratios derived from four globally gridded anthropogenic emission inventories. We find that the global inventories generally underestimate CO emissions in many North American and European cities relative to our observed enhancement ratios.
Final-revised paper