Articles | Volume 23, issue 5
Research article
16 Mar 2023
Research article |  | 16 Mar 2023

Global impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on surface concentration and health risk of atmospheric benzene

Chaohao Ling, Lulu Cui, and Rui Li

Data sets

CEDS_GBD-MAPS: Global Anthropogenic Emission Inventory of NOx, SO2, CO, NH3, NMVOCs, BC, and OC from 1970-2017 (2020_v1.0) Erin McDuffie, Steven Smith, Patrick O'Rourke, Kushal Tibrewal, Chandra Venkataraman, Eloise Marais, Bo Zheng, Monica Crippa, Michael Brauer, and Randall Martin

MERRA-2 inst3_3d_asm_Np: 3d,3-Hourly,Instantaneous,Pressure-Level,Assimilation,Assimilated Meteorological Fields V5.12.4 Global Modeling and Assimilation Office

Short summary
An ensemble machine-learning model coupled with chemical transport models (CTMs) was applied to assess the impact of COVID-19 on ambient benzene. The change ratio of the deweathered benzene concentration from the pre-lockdown to lockdown period was in the order of India (−23.6 %) > Europe (−21.9 %) > the United States (−16.2 %) > China (−15.6 %), which might be associated with local serious benzene pollution and substantial emission reduction in the industrial and transportation sectors.
Final-revised paper