Articles | Volume 23, issue 3
Research article
13 Feb 2023
Research article |  | 13 Feb 2023

Residence times of air in a mature forest: observational evidence from a free-air CO2 enrichment experiment

Edward J. Bannister, Mike Jesson, Nicholas J. Harper, Kris M. Hart, Giulio Curioni, Xiaoming Cai, and A. Rob MacKenzie


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Short summary
In forests, the residence time of air influences canopy chemistry and atmospheric exchange. However, there have been few field observations. We use long-term open-air CO2 enrichment measurements to show median daytime residence times are twice as long when the trees are in leaf versus when they are not. Residence times increase with increasing atmospheric stability and scale inversely with turbulence. Robust parametrisations for large-scale models are available using common distributions.
Final-revised paper