Articles | Volume 23, issue 2
Research article
31 Jan 2023
Research article |  | 31 Jan 2023

Effects of pH and light exposure on the survival of bacteria and their ability to biodegrade organic compounds in clouds: implications for microbial activity in acidic cloud water

Yushuo Liu, Chee Kent Lim, Zhiyong Shen, Patrick K. H. Lee, and Theodora Nah


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Short summary
We investigated how cloud water pH and solar radiation impact the survival and energetic metabolism of two neutrophilic bacteria species and their biodegradation of organic acids. Experiments were performed using artificial cloud water that mimicked the pH and composition of cloud water in South China. We found that there is a minimum cloud water pH threshold at which neutrophilic bacteria will survive and biodegrade organic compounds in cloud water during the daytime and/or nighttime.
Final-revised paper