Articles | Volume 23, issue 24
Research article
22 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 22 Dec 2023

Is transport of microplastics different from mineral particles? Idealized wind tunnel studies on polyethylene microspheres

Eike Maximilian Esders, Sebastian Sittl, Inka Krammel, Wolfgang Babel, Georg Papastavrou, and Christoph Karl Thomas

Data sets

Data example and code used in the publication "Is transport of microplastics different from that of mineral dust? Results from idealized wind tunnel studies" Eike Maximilian Esders, Wolfgang Babel, and Christoph Karl Thomas

Short summary
Do microplastics behave differently from mineral particles when they are exposed to wind? We observed plastic and mineral particles in a wind tunnel and measured at what wind speeds the particles start to move. The results indicate that microplastics start to move at smaller wind speeds as they weigh less and are less sticky. Hence, we think that microplastics also move more easily in the environment.
Final-revised paper