Articles | Volume 23, issue 24
Research article
15 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 15 Dec 2023

Chemically speciated air pollutant emissions from open burning of household solid waste from South Africa

Xiaoliang Wang, Hatef Firouzkouhi, Judith C. Chow, John G. Watson, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Warren Carter, and Alexandra S. M. De Vos

Data sets

Data for: Air Pollutant Emissions from Open Burning of Household Solid Waste from South Africa Xiaoliang Wang

Short summary
Open burning of municipal solid waste emits chemicals that are harmful to the environment. This paper reports source profiles and emission factors for PM2.5 species and acidic/alkali gases from laboratory combustion of 10 waste categories (including plastics and biomass) that represent open burning in South Africa. Results will be useful for health and climate impact assessments, speciated emission inventories, source-oriented dispersion models, and receptor-based source apportionment.
Final-revised paper