Articles | Volume 23, issue 23
Research article
07 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 07 Dec 2023

Strong aerosol cooling alone does not explain cold-biased mid-century temperatures in CMIP6 models

Clare Marie Flynn, Linnea Huusko, Angshuman Modak, and Thorsten Mauritsen

Data sets

MPI-ESM1.2 data for Aerosol Forcing Does Not Sufficiently Explain the Suppressed Mid-20th Century Warming in CMIP6 (Version 1). Linnea Huusko

Short summary
The latest-generation climate models show surprisingly cold mid-20th century global-mean temperatures, often despite exhibiting more realistic late 20th/early 21st century temperatures. A too-strong aerosol forcing in many models was thought to the be primary cause of these too-cold mid-century temperatures, but this was found to only be a partial explanation. This also partly undermines the hope to construct a strong relationship between the mid-century temperatures and aerosol forcing.
Final-revised paper