Articles | Volume 23, issue 21
Research article
03 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 03 Nov 2023

Simulating impacts on UK air quality from net-zero forest planting scenarios

Gemma Purser, Mathew R. Heal, Edward J. Carnell, Stephen Bathgate, Julia Drewer, James I. L. Morison, and Massimo Vieno

Model code and software

metno/emep-ctm: OpenSource rv4.34 (202001) EMEP MSC-W

Short summary
Forest expansion is a ″net-zero“ pathway, but change in land cover alters air quality in many ways. This study combines tree planting suitability data with UK measured emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds to simulate spatial and temporal changes in atmospheric composition for planting scenarios of four species. Decreases in fine particulate matter are relatively larger than increases in ozone, which may indicate a net benefit of tree planting on human health aspects of air quality.
Final-revised paper