Articles | Volume 23, issue 21
02 Nov 2023
Opinion |  | 02 Nov 2023

Opinion: Establishing a science-into-policy process for tropospheric ozone assessment

Richard G. Derwent, David D. Parrish, and Ian C. Faloona


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Executive editor
Tropospheric ozone is an extremely important atmospheric compound as it oxidises, and thus removes, chemical compounds in the atmosphere. One important source in the troposphere are anthropogenic emissions. At elevated concentrations ozone presents a pollutant that is harmful to human health and ecosystems, and it acts as a short-lived greenhouse gas in the upper troposphere. Based on previously developed community models to describe the spatial and temporal variation of tropospheric ozone, this highly controversially discussed Opinion article proposes the establishment of a conceptual, simplified, but widely accepted tropospheric ozone model to facilitate communication between different communities concerned with different ozone impacts, and between ozone research and policy. This step could pave the way for a coordinated global action to improve air quality standards worldwide in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
Short summary
Elevated tropospheric ozone concentrations driven by anthropogenic precursor emissions are a world-wide health and environmental concern; however, this issue lacks a generally accepted understanding of the scientific issues. Here, we briefly outline the elements required to conduct an international assessment process to establish a conceptual model of the underpinning science and motivate international policy forums for regulating ozone production over hemispheric and global scales.
Final-revised paper