Articles | Volume 23, issue 19
Research article
05 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 05 Oct 2023

The chance of freezing – a conceptional study to parameterize temperature-dependent freezing by including randomness of ice-nucleating particle concentrations

Hannah C. Frostenberg, André Welti, Mikael Luhr, Julien Savre, Erik S. Thomson, and Luisa Ickes

Data sets

Model output from "The chance of freezing - a conceptional study to parameterize temperature-dependent freezing by including randomness of ice-nucleating particle concentrations'' H. C. Frostenberg, A. Welti, M. Luhr, J. Savre, E. S. Thomson, and L. Ickes

Model code and software

Model output from "The chance of freezing - a conceptional study to parameterize temperature-dependent freezing by including randomness of ice-nucleating particle concentrations'' H. C. Frostenberg, A. Welti, M. Luhr, J. Savre, E. S. Thomson, and L. Ickes

Short summary
Observations show that ice-nucleating particle concentrations (INPCs) have a large variety and follow lognormal distributions for a given temperature. We introduce a new immersion freezing parameterization that applies this lognormal behavior. INPCs are drawn randomly from a temperature-dependent lognormal distribution. We then show that the ice content of the modeled Arctic stratocumulus cloud is highly sensitive to the probability of drawing large INPCs.
Final-revised paper