Articles | Volume 23, issue 2
Research article
20 Jan 2023
Research article |  | 20 Jan 2023

Biogenic isoprene emissions, dry deposition velocity, and surface ozone concentration during summer droughts, heatwaves, and normal conditions in southwestern Europe

Antoine Guion, Solène Turquety, Arineh Cholakian, Jan Polcher, Antoine Ehret, and Juliette Lathière


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Short summary
At high concentrations, tropospheric ozone (O3) deteriorates air quality. Weather conditions are key to understanding the variability in O3 concentration, especially during extremes. We suggest that identifying the presence of combined heatwaves is essential to the study of droughts in canopy–troposphere interactions and O3 concentration. Even so, they are associated, on average, with an increase in O3, partly explained by an increase in precursor emissions and a decrease in dry deposition.
Final-revised paper