Articles | Volume 23, issue 18
Research article
20 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 20 Sep 2023

Evaluation of hygroscopic cloud seeding in warm-rain processes by a hybrid microphysics scheme using a Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model: a real case study

Kai-I Lin, Kao-Shen Chung, Sheng-Hsiang Wang, Li-Hsin Chen, Yu-Chieng Liou, Pay-Liam Lin, Wei-Yu Chang, Hsien-Jung Chiu, and Yi-Hui Chang

Data sets

Raw Data of RCWF and RCSL K.-I. Lin, K.-S. Chung, S.-H. Wang, L.-H. Chen, Y.-C. Liou, P.-L. Lin, W.-Y. Chang, H.-J. Chiu, and Y.-H. Chang

Short summary
This study develops a hybrid microphysics scheme to enable the complex model simulation of cloud seeding based on observational cloud condensation nuclei size distribution. Our results show that more precipitation can be developed in the scenarios seeding in the in-cloud region, and seeding over an area of tens km2 is the most efficient strategy due to the strengthening of the accretion process. Moreover, particles bigger than 0.4 μm are the main factor contributing to cloud-seeding effects.
Final-revised paper